Redefining Classical Music Literacy

A study of classical orchestras, museum anthropology, and game design theory


To complete my graduate program at the University of Denver and earn a Master of Arts in Digital Media Studies (now Emergent Media), I brought together my previous life as a classical musician with my new trajectory in design. This work set me on the path I am still traveling—expanding my ability to study and participate in cultures large and small, while calibrating design interventions to be ethical and human-centered.


The current state of declining audiences for the performing arts in the United State is cause for concern for those musicians and ensembles interested in the continuation of the art forms. The previous model of using audience numbers as the sole or primary measure of an orchestra’s success is no longer sufficient in an era of participatory design and interactive experiences. Through observation and analysis of the culture of classical music, this study focuses on the emerging visions of participatory culture and the ways in which museum anthropology and game design theory can be used to redefine classical music literacy and audience development in terms of interaction and participatory design.


So many books, so little time